Tips and Tricks to help you catch more fish!

Check this page often to see what tricks and tips the fishermen are doing to help improve their catches.



Fishing with crankbaits in the rivers can be pretty tricky! You either get caught up in the rocks which can make you lose your bait, and some aren't cheap, or you end up snagging the fish. Either way, it sucks, and who wants a ticket from the DNR for snagging when that wasn't your intention? We have a solution- MODIFY YOUR CRANKBAITS to prevent loss or snagging!


For fishing on rivers at night like the Fox, take off all the treble hooks, add only one single hook to the back, in the front add a belly button spinner for extra flash, and ta-da........ you won't lose your bait and you wont snag any fish! With the addition of the belly button spinner you will get more hits!


Give it a try, let us know what you think on our facebook page.